Casey Luskin

Futuristic holographic advance biomedical DNA sequence analysis diagnostic head up display for background computer screen display
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Can AI Help Us Assess Neo-Darwinism?

Can artificial intelligence be applied to the scientific theory of Darwinian evolution to help us evaluate its strengths and weaknesses? On this episode of ID The Future, host Casey Luskin concludes his conversation with two distinguished PhD scientists who are asking tough questions of Neo-Darwinism: Olen Brown, Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Missouri, and David Hullender, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas, Arlington. In Part 2, Luskin discusses the latest paper from Brown and Hullender arguing that AI has strong but unrealized potential both for assessing and also solving major problems with the prevailing naturalistic account of life's origins. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation. Read More ›
Walking Green Iguana Isolated on Black Background
Walking Green Iguana Raising Paw Isolated on Black Background
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Can Darwinian Evolution Be Rescued From Dogma?

If there's anything left to salvage from the Neo-Darwinian theory of life's origins, it must first be rescued from dogma. On this episode of ID The Future, host Casey Luskin begins a conversation with two distinguished PhD scientists who are asking tough questions of Neo-Darwinism: Olen Brown, Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Missouri, and David Hullender, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas, Arlington. Luskin unpacks three recent scientific papers written by Brown and Hullender warning that Neo-Darwinism must be updated if it has any hope of surviving as a theory. This is Part 1 of a two-part conversation. Read More ›
Big genomic data visualization
Big genomic data visualization. Digital AGCT "code". Four bases of DNA pairing. Graphic concept for your design
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Casey Luskin Reflects on His Recent Junk DNA Debate

For decades we were told that non-coding regions of our DNA are littered with evolutionary junk. But in recent years, numerous discoveries have revealed that function is the rule, not the exception, in the genome. On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin reflects with host Jonathan McLatchie about his recent debate over junk DNA with Rutgers University evolutionary biology professor Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale, known as Dr. Dan online. Luskin breaks down the main points he made in his debate as well as Dr. Dan's responses. He and McLatchie conclude with a reminder of why intelligent design is a far superior approach to studying the genome than an evolutionary approach. Read More ›
Abstract construction of a DNA molecule from particles. Concept of digital DNA. DNA code structure with glow. Medical research, genetic engineering, biology.
Abstract construction of a DNA molecule from particles. Concept of digital DNA. DNA code structure with glow. Medical research, genetic engineering, biology.
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How the Myth of Junk DNA Hindered Science

For decades, we've been told that only a tiny percentage of DNA is functional and that the vast majority is useless junk. Although this claim never made sense from an engineering standpoint in the first place, it served as a powerful myth to push the narrative that we're simply the result of unguided, undirected natural processes, a long string of mistakes and copying errors that left its imprint in the form of pervasive junk DNA. On this ID The Future, host Eric Anderson and Dr. Casey Luskin unpack the myth of junk DNA and how it has hindered the progress of science. Read More ›
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Bob Marks on Why AI Won’t Destroy the World, or Save It

Today’s ID the Future from the vault dives into the controversial realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Will robots or other computers ever become so fast and powerful that they become conscious, creative, and free? Will AI reach a point where it leaves humans in the dust? To shed light on these and other questions, host Casey Luskin interviews computer engineering professor Robert J. Marks, head of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence. Read More ›

How to Combat Censorship in Science

Scientific censorship is on the rise. Governments are colluding with Big Tech to suppress unfavorable ideas. De-platforming and dismissal campaigns are all the rage. How do we prevent our society from slouching towards totalitarianism? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin welcomes science writer and journalist Denyse O'Leary to discuss today's forms of censorship, how it affects the intelligent design community, and most importantly, what we can do about it. Read More ›