
Socializing Broadband

On Monday, July 9 French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin announced a $1.5 billion plan to bring all French households high-speed Internet access within five years. Further, France plans to spend $180 million to bring wireless access to the eight percent of the French population that currently lacks such access. Likening the project to past infrastructure build-outs for rail and electricity, Jospin set as his policy goal “to bring the information age to everyone.” Read More ›
Cyber feel background.
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Tumbling Into the Telechasm

When Bill Clinton assumed office nine years ago, I predicted he would enjoy one of the greatest economic booms in the history of the world. Impelled by the spread of the Internet, the onset of fiber optics, and a tenfold increase in venture capital — unleashed by the lower tax rates and deregulation of the Reagan administration — the Clinton Read More ›

Unleash Broadband

WorldCom’s impending $40 billion bankruptcy should galvanize Washington to this simple fact: For the last two years we have suffered not a mild recession but a technology depression. With 34 major bankruptcies so far and 24 more expected, the collapsing communications industry — 17% of the economy — is the prime source of a $4 trillion dollar decline in the Read More ›

George Gilder of Discovery Institute Tells Washington Leaders: ‘Broadband Is Crucial to the Struggle Ahead’

WASHINGTON, October 23, 2001 – “A strong economy is a must if the government is to afford to wage war on terrorism, strengthen our homeland defenses and mount major public health initiatives,” George Gilder told senior White House staff, Congressional leaders and journalists on Tuesday. “Broadband is crucial, short-term and long-term, to reviving this economy–and imperative if we are to Read More ›

cables and data
Concept image of cables and connections for data transfer in the digital world.3d rendering.

Into the Fibersphere

In a world of dumb terminals and telephones, networks had to be smart. But in a world of smart terminals, networks have to be dumb. Philip Hope, divisional vice president for engineering systems of EDS, has an IQ problem. His chief client and owner, General Motors, wants to interconnect thousands of 3-D graphics and computer aided engineering (CAE) workstations with Read More ›