Michael Medved

Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth & Poverty

Michael Medved is a nationally-broadcast talk radio host, podcaster and best-selling author. With an audience growing to 5 million weekly listeners, his daily three-hour current events and pop culture show has placed for two decades among the ten most important talk shows in the United States. His daily podcast, “In the Light of History,” available with his radio show (commercial-free) to a growing list of subscribers, provides historical context for the news and analysis he covers. 

He is also the author of thirteen non-fiction books, including the national bestsellers What Really Happened to the Class of '65?, Hollywood Vs. America, The Ten Big Lies About America, and, most recently in 2018, The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic. Its companion volume, God's Hand in America, is to be published later this year.

He is a member of the Board of Contributors of USA Today, and his pieces appear frequently in The Wall Street Journal and Commentary. 

Following publication of his three books on films, Medved served for six years as Chief Film Critic for the New York Post, and for twelve years as co-host of Sneak Previews, the weekly movie review show on PBS television. His commentaries on hot-button issues and reviews of new films are available in his free weekly newsletter and on his website, MichaelMedved.com.

 Born in Philadelphia, Medved attended public schools in San Diego and Los Angeles before entering Yale at age 16. After completing his degree, with honors, in American history, he attended Yale Law School where his classmates included Bill and HIllary Clinton. Later, during 17 years as a synagogue president in the Los Angeles area, he co-founded Pacific Jewish Center and the Emmanuel Streisand School - later renamed Yeshivat Ohr Eliyahu. Since 1996 Medved and his wife, psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Diane Medved, have lived in the Seattle area, where they raised their three children, and now enjoy helping with their two small grandchildren.


Michael Medved Interviews Stephen Meyer on Return of the God Hypothesis

In a series of segments on the Michael Medved show, Stephen Meyer discusses his latest book, Return of the God Hypothesis. Segment 1: Medved prompts Meyer to explain why the God hypothesis has necessarily returned as science has advanced in the last century. Meyer explains how three major findings in recent scientific study point to a powerful, designing intellect behind the universe. (Air date: 2/12/21) Segment 2: When did we get the idea that science is at war with belief in God? When Medved poses this question, Meyer describes how this so-called “warfare model” arose fairly late in the history of science. He also explains that it diverges sharply from the thinking of the founders of modern science, many of whom embraced religious faith and found inspiration for their

Stephen Meyer on the Return of the God Hypothesis

Assessing the Scientific Case for God on Great Minds with Michael Medved
Biology reveals evidence of design, Dr. Stephen Meyer explains in this conversation with Michael Medved, but it can’t take us very far in identifying the source of that design. Proponents of intelligent design have been clear about that. For an idea about who or what the designer might be, you need to turn to other scientific fields — physics and cosmology — that consider the ultra-finely tuned laws that permit a livable planet in the first place. The awesome design extends from the origin of the universe, down to the tiniest particles. Drawing from physics and cosmology, Meyer sketches the evidence for theism. Show Notes Timestamps more closely approximate the audio than the video. 03:05 | Doesn’t “The Return of the God Hypothesis” confirm the

Stephen Meyer’s Next Frontier

Stephen Meyer on Great Minds with Michael Medved
Steve Meyer is well known as a leading proponent of intelligent design, the scientific alternative to theories of unguided biological evolution. He talks here about his exciting and important next book. Meyer is ready to advance the discussion of why life exists to a whole new level.

Religious Robots and Free Americans

Michael Medved and David Gelernter on Human and American Exceptionalism
Of his many specialties, in this episode Michael inquires into David Gelernter’s professional preoccupation: artificial intelligence. Gelernter recalls the pioneering role of his father, warns of the perils of letting children be captive to flickering screens, and remarks on whether AI robots can be spiritual seekers. Gelernter also emphasizes the key role of the Judeo-Christian Western tradition in creating a free and idealistic context in which technology is primed to explode. A Polymathic Mind Yale computer scientist David Gelernter is truly a great mind whose interests and knowledge similarly know no bounds. He is a novelist, painter, political commentator, religious thinker, and much more. His books include Drawing Life: Surviving the Unabomber, 1939: The Lost World of the

Great Minds with Michael Medved: Hollywood Director Randall Wallace

Great Minds with Michael Medved is an extremely wide-ranging program, by (intelligent) design. There’s nothing about science, evolution, or ID in Michael’s newly posted conversation with writer-director Randall Wallace, who wrote Braveheart, We Were Soldiers, Secretariat, and other great films. Yet I couldn’t help thinking of some of our colleagues in the evolution debate when Wallace describes the underlying point of

Great Minds: Meyer, Medved on the Origin of Animal Life

Stephen Meyer joins Michael to discuss the origins of life and the biology’s big bang, the Cambrian explosion. Animal forms come and go, but what links them as “acts of mind” (as Agassiz put it) is a “continuity of ideas,” not, says Meyer, the physical continuity that Darwin asserted. These are wonderful ways of putting things. Meyer also discusses the 2016 Royal Society meeting attended by a “spirited minority” of ID proponents, where one evolutionist put it that “criticism of neo-Darwinism is so early ’90s.” He meant that among scientists behind closed doors, neo-Darwinism itself is so passé that criticizing it further seems beside the point. Learn more about Great Minds with Michael Medved at https://www.mindswithmedved.com. For more about this episode

Michael Medved and Jay Richards Talk About the Much Abused Idea of Scientific “Consensus”

The March for Science is back. It’s this Saturday, April 14, in Washington, DC, and at various satellite locations. Given that, nothing could be timelier than a conversation between Jay Richards and Michael Medved about when it’s permissible to doubt a scientific “consensus.” Dr. Richards outlines several giveaways or tells – signs that something fishy, other than objective science, is going on. It’s another episode of Great Minds with Michael Medved. Great Minds with Michael Medved features deep conversations with leading educators, scientists, authors, and filmmakers.To subscribe to the podcast go to:

Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discussing teaching intelligent design and academic freedom

Dr. Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discusses two recent incidents involving the idea of academic freedom. The first is a scandal at Ball State University, in which physics professor Eric Hedin was, against university policy, censored for his interdisciplinary course Boundaries of Science. The second is the cancellation of an elective, not-for-credit Philosophy course offered at Amarillo College titled “Evolution vs. Intelligent Design.” The decision to cancel the course at Amarillo College was the result of bullying by a local agnostics and atheists group called the Freethought Oasis. Dr. Meyer also engages questions from callers about research presented in Darwin’s Doubt, and about the establishment of intelligent design (ID) as a scientific theory.

Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved Show discusses materialism and how it affects our constitution

On the Michael Medved show, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the conflict between the materialistic worldview espoused by such thinkers as Darwin, Marx, Freud, and the principles articulated in the Constitution. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). For more information on the book and to order your copy visit

Column: Fondly remembering Grandpa’s taxes

Americans have always reveled in nostalgia about the music, fashion or favorite foods of bygone eras, but a sudden yearning for the high tax rates of yesteryear seems new and strange. While some opinion leaders pine openly for the tax system that once claimed a big majority of income from top earners, their cozy, communitarian vision offers a deeply distorted view of those good old days. In his defiant “Twinkie Manifesto,” professor Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner in economics, affectionately cites “the ’50s — the Twinkie Era” for “lessons that remain relevant in the 21st century.” He particularly applauds the fact that “incomes in the top brackets faced a marginal tax rate of 91%,” and later 70% in the 1960s. He associates that

Should U.S. Back the Party of Lawyers?

The Democrats who gathered in Charlotte tried to cast themselves as the party of working people, or of struggling middle-class families, or of aggrieved and downtrodden Americans in every corner of the economy. In presidential politics, however, a more accurate designation would identify the Dems as the party of lawyers: with the re-nomination of Obama and Biden, all six available spots on the last three national tickets have gone to working attorneys. Reaching all the way back to 1980, 14 of 18 Democratic nominations for president and vice president went to members of the bar. The domination of party leadership by the legal profession would have looked even more lopsided had Al Gore managed to complete his studies at Vanderbilt Law School before capturing (at age 28) the congressional

What the Evangelicals Give the Jews

Many Jewish voters this November will find themselves at a crossroads: Will they accept their deep disappointment with Barack Obama and vote for his reelection, or will they overcome their own discomfort with Christian evangelicals and vote for the Republican candidate? The irrepressible argument about the appropriate relationship between the Jewish community and Christian conservatives has returned with a vengeance, forcing a fresh response to a fundamental question: Should Jews view our born-again fellow citizens as natural allies or inevitable adversaries? Unfortunately, the familiar grounds of this debate rely for the most part on inaccurate assumptions and proceed inexorably to illogical conclusions. Advocates of cooperation and coalition-building — call them

Romney and the Real Wealth Gap

The biggest challenge for Mitt Romney isn’t that America hates the rich; it’s that the public hates the undeserving rich, and deeply resents privileged punks and politically connected connivers who never performed constructive service to make their millions. If the GOP contender convinces people that he amassed his fortune through hard work, building businesses and creating jobs, they’ll cheerfully forgive his vast wealth (just as they did with former Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy) and even accept the surprisingly low (but entirely legal) percentage he paid in federal <taxes as a quirk of our crazy system that he pledges to reform. If, on the other hand, the impression solidifies that the former governor got ahead through

The Secrets of Tebow Hatred

Hoping that the hero stumbles in terms of personal integrity seems cruel, but it's more acceptable to expect onfield performance that gives evidence of mortality.
The NFL is generously stocked with forgiven felons, including millionaire wife beaters and dog killers. So how did a clean-living quarterback with deep commitments to charitable service and miraculous last-minute victories become the most controversial player in the league? It’s easy to see why legions of loyalists lavish love on 24-year-old Tim Tebow, who leads his underdog Denver Broncos in a crucial playoff game against the New England Patriots on Saturday night. Yet other fiercely focused fans feel no hesitation at expressing their contempt and loathing for a remarkable athlete whose behavior on field and off exemplifies the values of hard work, fearlessness and concern for the downtrodden. A popular website called TebowHaters.com serves as a clearinghouse for denunciations,

GOP is Missing Opportunity with Latinos

The most disappointing moment in the televised GOP debate two weeks ago in Tampa came when none of the presidential candidates managed to provide a strong, positive answer to an audience question about how Republicans should build support among Hispanic voters. This feeble response ought to worry all conservatives who hope to defeat Barack Obama in next year’s elections. According to exit polls, received 67% of Latino votes in 2008, and if he replicates that success in 2012 (when the growing Hispanic population will make up aneven larger share of the electorate) his victory will be assured. Republicans can feel encouraged, however, that the Gallup Poll shows Obama’s approval among Hispanicsdipping below 50% for the first time. But spreading

Embracing Observance of Sabbath

THE GIFT OF REST: REDISCOVERING THE BEAUTY OF THE SABBATH By Sen. Joe Lieberman, with David Klinghoffer Howard Books /Simon & Schuster, $26, 236 pages Reviewed by Michael Medved   If you’ve ever felt the yen to celebrate a Jewish holy day in a festive, traditional style, this marvelous book will enable you to approximate the experience – without calories from rich, filling food or risks of leaving wine stains on the white tablecloth. Your host, Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, comes across as a chatty, good-natured, Old World uncle who’s free with advice, anecdote and sentimental reminiscence. Like most conversations around a religious family’s Sabbath table, the discussion rambles and wanders, with amusing, earthy or insightful asides of sometimes dubious