George Gilder

Senior Fellow and Co-Founder of Discovery Institute


Economist George Gilder on Capitalism, Socialism, and Google

Life After Google author George Gilder explains the role of creativity in capitalism as he shares economic insight on Life, Liberty & Levin. Learning, he says, is the heart of capitalism. Whereas capitalism is about creativity, socialism is about planning and rests on the assumption that we already know everything we need to know in order to plan our future.

Forget Cloud Computing, Blockchain is the Future

George Gilder Interview with Peter Robinson
George Gilder recently sat down with Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution on his online series Uncommon Knowledge. Gilder discusses his new book Life After Google, where he argues that bitcoin and blockchain are destined to surpass cloud computing, ushering in a new era of technology. Gilder also parses over a history of technology and artificial intelligence, quelling fears about machines taking all of our jobs as they will never be able to replicate human intelligence and creativity.

The Fed ‘is a god that has failed’

Why does Wall Street keep recovering after recessions but the economy seemingly never does? The reason, as I document in my book, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does is that Washington and the Federal Reserve together have created a closed loop economy where the Fed creates money for the government and the S&P 500 and Main Street is left out. The Fed decides what money is worth and who receives it and how much. The Fed prices it at zero interest rates, allegedly to stimulate economic growth. But whenever something is free, it’s distributed by queue, and only the privileged, connected people in the front of the line get any, not the innovators who create growth and opportunity for Main Street. Trump voters are wrong if they blame

Trump Can Succeed on Trade by Ending Global Currency Manipulation

World trade in goods and services has morphed into a gigantic manipulative carnival of currency trading. This needs to change. Folks, we have a consensus here. Formidable thinkers such as Paul Krugman, Larry Summers, and David Stockman, some 370 economists including 19 Nobel Laureates, and editors at the Economist, Fortune, and Barron’s all believe that Donald Trump as president is a menace to world trade and prosperity. President Trump has talked about 35 percent tariffs on foreign goods and an array of “border taxes,” such as the tariff with Mexico he proposed last week. He intends to name China a so-called “currency manipulator” on the basis of a mere bilateral trade gap. He’s denounced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the omnibus Pacific Trade

Leap Before You Look

Reflections on the Mission and "Evolution" of Discovery Institute
I helped Bruce Chapman form Discovery Institute some 25 years ago and over that period, if I may use the term, it has evolved. Bruce and I believe that this evolution expresses an intelligent design, a unified vision that transcends the various programs at Discovery Institute. We do not only believe in intelligent design in the universe; we believe such a design manifests itself across the sciences and pervades economics and culture. Not only is God the creator; but human beings are creative in his image, in the image of the creator. This is a scientific proposition, following the insights of a great new science called information theory. Information theory upholds the idea of a hierarchical universe and underlies all the programs at Discovery. In his essay

The Scandal of Money

Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does
As famed economist and New York Times bestselling author George Gilder points out, “despite multi-billion dollar stimulus packages and near-zero interest rates, Wall Street recovers but the economy never does.” In his groundbreaking new book, The Scandal of Money, Gilder unveils a radical new explanation for our economic woes.  Gilder also exposes the corruption of the Federal Reserve, Washington power-brokers, and Wall Street’s “too-big-to-fail” megabanks, detailing how a small cabal of elites have manipulated currencies and crises to stifle economic growth and crush the middle class. Gilder spares no one in his devastating attack on politicians’ economic policies.  He claims that the Democrats will steer us to ruin — but points out

The New Wall Street and the High Cost of Manipulating Money

Wall Street’s Triumph over Main Street The current world monetary and economic system favors Wall Street’s currency regime over both Main Street and Silicon Valley. Once offering a wide range of research, analysis, and support for the independent enterprises of America, the new Wall Street simply means giant banks informally nationalized by Washington, D.C., in behalf of a system of manipulable currencies trading at a rate of $5.1 trillion per day that stultify and retard international commerce. Some seventy-three times larger than all trade in real goods and services, this chaos of floating currencies inflicts arbitrary damage on real businesses around the globe. Capriciously defined and traded by banks, this ocean of fluctuating monies has even rendered international trade a

George Gilder at FreedomFest 2016: The Scandal of Money

It’s time for a new paradigm of economic thought. The key to understanding — and instigating — economic growth, Gilder argues, lies in information theory. Hear from economist and NYT bestselling author George Gilder as he expounds on the key messages of his latest book The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does at the 2016 FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas.


All hail Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, well on her way to becoming the reigning queen of Network Neutrality, as her Huffington Post soars ever higher as part of the $4.4 billion Verizon buyout of AOL. The purchase represents an obvious response to the FCC move to enforce a "level playing field" on the Internet while ruling it as a public utility under Title 2 of the Telecom Act of 1934.

Net neutrality: Obama’s FCC puts Internet, American innovation at risk

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its disastrous new network neutrality rules earlier this month, officially signaling to the world that the U.S. will adopt a policy destined to stifle technological advancement and put network investment into neutral.  By heeding President Obama’s call to make the Internet a government-regulated public utility, the FCC has adopted a system equipped to regulate public utilities and monopolies, not the dynamic and fast paced Internet economy.  Worst still, it is doing so under a guise to impose price regulation on the Internet and grant unfair advantages for Silicon Valley companies like Netflix and Google which account for nearly half of all U.S. Internet traffic. At such an important time for this industry, now

What Creates Wealth?

Course Description Why are some countries rich and some countries poor? Is it access to natural resources? Is it tax policy? A motivated work force? These are important, but not determinative. The answer is deceptively simple – it’s what’s in our heads: knowledge. Thus, the surest way to promote economic growth is to cultivate an environment that encourages the spread of knowledge. Such an environment requires freedom, which is why the freest societies are the most prosperous. In five minutes, economist George Gilder explains why.

George Gilder for Prager University: What Creates Wealth?

The latest course from Prager University features George Gilder explaining why some countries are wealthy and flourishing, while others are poor and stagnant. This topic has been long debated–with scholars offering explanations based on culture, government, geography, history, and more–but George Gilder looks to the core of the issue, arguing that what matters most for dynamic economic growth is knowledge. What Creates Wealth? | Prager University

Ideas for Renewing American Prosperity

If you could propose one change in American policy, society or culture to revive prosperity and self-confidence, what would it be and why?
Editor’s note: With the Journal’s 125th anniversary coming at a time of slow U.S. growth and reduced expectations, we asked some Journal contributors to answer this question: If you could propose one change in American policy, society or culture to revive prosperity and self-confidence, what would it be and why? Their replies are below. Listen to Peter Drucker On Regulations By George Gilder In 1966, the eminent management sage Peter Drucker wrote about government regulation in “The Effective Executive” that “at a guess, at least half the bureaus and agencies” in government “regulate what no longer needs regulation.” He added: “There is a serious need for a new principle of effective administration under which every act,

Do You Pass the Israel Test?

Would you believe us if we said that the best litmus test of any society’s success is its attitude towards Israel? Well, it’s true. As George Gilder explains, whether a society envies and resents Israel’s success or celebrates and tries to replicate it is indicative of that society’s progress. Countries that “pass” the “Israel Test” tend to rise. Those who don’t tend to sink. So, does your society pass the “Israel Test”? In five minutes, find out.

What is the Impact of Raising Taxes on the Wealthy?

In this short clip bestselling author and influential thinker George Gilder discusses the effects of raising taxes on the wealthy. Although this is commonly pointed to as a solution for America’s economic problems, you may be surprised by what this policy decision results in. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, Gilder synthesizes his analysis of technology and economics to build a new theory of capitalism.

Why Capitalism Works

Cultural depictions of capitalism are almost all negative. There’s the Monopoly guy with the top hat and cigar. There’s Gordon Gekko saying, “Greed is good.” And, most recently, there’s the hedonism of the “Wolf of Wall Street”. The message is clear: capitalism is selfish. Socialism, or something like it, is selfless. In fact, the opposite is true. Renowned social critic George Gilder offers this startling insight: capitalism, at its core, is first an expression of altruism; that is, of giving. An entrepreneur can only succeed by satisfying a customer’s need. This is why capitalism, and only capitalism, can create the prosperity that all societies crave and why all other economic prescriptions are doomed to failure.

How do we Spur Innovation and Job Creation? George Gilder, author of Knowledge & Power

In this short clip, bestselling author and famed economist George Gilder answers your questions about how to spur job creation and innovation, both of which have been headline questions in America’s economic arena for years. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, Gilder synthesizes his analysis of technology and economics to build a new theory of capitalism. Submit your questions for George Gilder online at

The Costs of Health Care Failure

The costs of institutional health care failure now gorge nearly 15% of GDP, on the way to 20%. Yet the costs of the forward-looking genetic information in biomedicine has dropped 50,000-fold in ten years. What’s wrong with this picture? To paymaster politicians, health care is a huge cost center. Health care is not really a problem but a huge opportunity for new drugs, medical instruments and biomedical advances. No U.S. health care cost crisis looms, after all, in paying the bills for smallpox, polio, TB, cholera, typhoid or malaria. Obscuring the huge opportunity of new knowledge in pharma, though, is the obsolete apparat of government power. With 16,500 new IRS agents and no new doctors, ObamaCare pushes on with its bureaucratic grab-and-gouge. Meanwhile, in the

Why Are You Hopeful for America?

George Gilder author of Knowledge & Power
In this short clip bestselling author and influential thinker George Gilder discusses why he is hopeful for America, her future economy, and her place in the world market. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing Our World, Gilder synthesizes his analysis of technology and economics to build a new theory of capitalism.