Paul Chien

Paul Chien is Professor Emeritus, University of San Francisco (2015) and he was elected Chairman of the Department of Biology twice. He received his Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California at Irvine's Department of Developmental & Cell Biology. Dr. Chien is a Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture and has held such positions as Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Environmental Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (CIT); Instructor of Biology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and a consultant to both the Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory of the CIT, and the Scanning Electron Microscopy & Micro X-ray Analyst in the Biology Department of Santa Clara University, California. His work has been published in over fifty technical journals and he has spoken internationally, and on numerous occasions, from Brazil to mainland China-where he has also been involved in cooperative research programs. Dr. Chien and coworkers translated 16 ID-related books and 6 DVDs into Chinese.


Biology’s Big Bang: The Cambrian Explosion

Darwinian evolution predicts the gradual emergence of new life forms in the history of life. But the fossil record tells a different story. Journey with Professor Paul K. Chien to Chengjiang, China, and the world’s most extraordinary Cambrian fossil site. As he shows, this fossil site (along with many others around the world) points not to gradual evolution but to the sudden appearance of entirely new animal body plans. The best explanation? Intelligent design. About the In a Nutshell Series This series of booklets was created to help Discovery Society members educate themselves about the basic arguments for intelligent design and the critiques of Darwinian evolution. Each booklet presents the content of one chapter of Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell. To help you

Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell

Are life and the universe a mindless accident — the blind outworking of laws governing cosmic, chemical, and biological evolution? That’s the official story many of us were taught somewhere along the way. But what does the science actually say? Drawing on recent discoveries in astronomy, cosmology, chemistry, biology, and paleontology, Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell shows how the latest scientific evidence suggests a very different story. Journey into the smallest cell, to the farthest reaches of the universe, and to the great flowering of form and energy known as the Big Bang. Learn about the mission to build a self-reproducing 3D printer, and how those efforts shed new light on the origin of the first life on earth. And travel with a marine biologist to

Darwin’s Dilemma – The Significance of Sponge Embryos

Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of Darwin’s Doubt, talks about a significant discovery in China of tiny sponges in the pre-Cambrian layer of the fossil record. Having studied these fossils alongside Chinese paleontologist and Cambrian explosion scholar Jun-Yuan Chen, biologist Paul Chien describes the technique used to analyze the sponge embryos’ complexity. Excerpted from Illustra Media’s film, Darwin’s Dilemma –

The Cambrian Explosion

Biology’s Big Bang
Both Charles Darwin himself and contemporary neo-Darwinists such as Francisco Ayala, Richard Dawkins, and Richard Lewontin acknowledge that biological organisms appear to have been designed by an intelligence. Yet classical Darwinists and contemporary Darwinists alike have argued that what Francisco Ayala calls the “obvious design” of living things is only apparent. As Ayala, a former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has explained: “The functional design of organisms and their features would therefore seem to argue for the existence of a designer. It was Darwin’s greatest accomplishment to show that the directive organization of living beings can be explained as the result of a natural process, natural selection, without any need to resort to