
A Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence, pt. 4

In this special series of The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer presents a cosmological argument for God’s existence. In part 4, Dr. Meyer summarizes new evidence from cosmology showing the universe had a beginning and is finely tuned for life on Earth to exist. Read More ›


A Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence, pt. 3

In this special series of The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer presents a cosmological argument for God’s existence. In part 3, Dr. Meyer describes how the physical constants of the universe are finely tuned for life and presents intelligent design as the best theory to explain the evidence. Videos posted with permission.


A Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence, pt. 2

In this special series of The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer presents a cosmological argument for God’s existence. In part 2, Dr. Meyer discusses evidence from Edwin Hubble, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking that the universe had a definite beginning. Videos posted with permission.

Intelligent Design Video
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Jonathan Wells’s Centriole Hypothesis

A microtubule-dependent polar ejection force that pushes chromosomes away from spindle poles during prometaphase is observed in animal cells but not in the cells of higher plants. Elongating microtubules and kinesin-like motor molecules have been proposed as possible causes, but neither accounts for all the data. Read More ›

Intelligent Design Video
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Discovering Intelligent Design – A Journey Into The Scientific Evidence

Discovering Intelligent Design is a comprehensive curriculum (textbook, workbook, and DVD) that presents the scientific evidence for intelligent design to both young people and adults. Read More ›


Intelligent Design Under Fire, pt. 4: Q&A with Charlotte Laws & Larry Herber

In Intelligent Design Under Fire, Dr. Stephen Meyer and his colleagues respond to questions about intelligent design from a panel of critics. Part 4 features questions from writer and columnist Charlotte Laws and retired geology professor Larry Herber. Video copyright Biola University. Used with permission.