Center for Science and Culture

Intelligent Design Video
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The Evidence for Molecular Machines

Dr. Michael Behe on The Case for a Creator discusses the changing view of cells from Darwin’s day until our own. No long believed to be a simple glob of protoplasm, the cell today is known to hold molecular machines and billions of units of DNA.

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Defending Critical Analysis in Cross-Examination: Dr. Stephen Meyer Answers Questions in Texas

This episode of ID the Future features Dr. Stephen Meyer responding to his critics during a questioning period before the Texas State Board of Education last month. Listen in as philosopher of science Meyer cuts through the rhetorical strategies in this debate Read More ›

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Chemist Charles Garner on Chemical Evolution

On this ID the Future podcast, Chemistry Professor Charles Garner from Baylor University testifies before the Texas State Board of Education about the need to teach students about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of evolution. Dr. Garner specifically focuses on chemical evolution, emphasizing some of the scientific weaknesses in theories of a natural chemical origin of life, and encourages that evidence to be taught in Texas science classrooms.


Poli-Sci and the Liberal Professorate

Professor Matthew Manweller at the Gorton Summer Lecture Series talks about the collegiate educational system today. He discusses the failure of colleges to educate students — instead, he suggests, they indoctrinate them. Dr. Manweller notes how tenure creates a homogeneity within academia and how students are then leaving higher education ill-prepared to be thriving U.S. citizens.

Intelligent Design Video
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200 Years After Darwin–Fresh Voices, Compelling Ideas

In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth we are featuring comments from two scientists and a medical doctor about Darwin, his legacy, and their own skepticism of his revolutionary theory. Read More ›

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Biologist Ralph Seelke Speaks Out in Support of Teaching the Controversy

Biologist Ralph Seelke is one of the scientists who aren’t supposed to exist; he’s skeptical of Darwin’s theory of evolution. As a professor at University of Wisconsin-Superior, Dr. Seelke tests what evolution can actually do. Read More ›

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Another Scientist Dissents From Darwinism: Dr. Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling

In this ID the Future podcast, Casey Luskin interviews Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signer, biologist Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling, about scientific problems with evolution. Dr. Alcocer Ruthling received his Ph.D. in plant science from the University of Idaho and is now Director of Graduate Studies at the Universidad AutÃnoma in Guadalajara, Mexico. Read More ›