Men and Marriage
Exploring Society’s Decline without Faithful FathersGeorge GilderSince 1973, Time Magazine’s Chauvinist Pig of the Year George Gilder has been clear about the stakes for the family: without fathers our civilization sinks back into the Stone Age.
Sixty years later, the need of the hour remains: men that take responsibility for themselves, men that raise their own children, and men with insatiable economic libido.
A nation of faithful men can never be moved.
There are a few writers in this country who stand head and shoulders above the rest of us and one of the most brilliant is George Gilder. Men and Marriage is one of the classic books on marriage of all times. I have recommended it for more than 30 years.
James C. Dobson Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist
The first time the Bible ever says something is not good is when Adam did not yet have a wife. Just as in physics, the greatest release of explosive cultural power comes not from fission, but from fusion. Through marriage women transform men into the most powerful force in all creation. Gilder’s book shows that this is not just one option among many but a fixed law of the creation order. To ignore it is both sexual and civilizational suicide.
Jerry Bowyer, President of Bowyer Research, and author of The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics.
Our culture is deeply confused about the character and purpose of men and masculinity in the twenty-first century. George Gilder offers an incomparably incisive and thought-provoking meditation on men today, especially the ways in which marriage matters for men. This book deserves your attention, whether or not you agree with his vision.
Brad Wilcox, Director of the National Marriage Project, University of Virginia