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Once to twice per month Cascadia Center distributes an e-mailed newsletter on our latest efforts and related news coverage. Readers have found it to be an informative update on regional transportation and related technology issues. If you’d like to receive the free Cascadia e-newsletter please send an e-mail to Jennifer Zucati, Cascadia Program Manager, at In the subject line, please put “Cascadia Newsletter,” then please provide your name, e-mail address and organizational affiliation. We’d also appreciate having your phone number. The information will be held in the strictest confidence. You may also indicate issue areas of interest, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, alternative fuels, transportation funding, tolling, public-private partnerships, bus rapid transit, commuter rail, light rail, passenger-only ferries and cross-border.

Cascadia Center

Founded in 1993, as the Cascadia Project, Discovery Institute’s Cascadia Center for Regional Development is an important force in regional transportation and sustainable development issues. Cascadia is known for its involvement in transportation and development issues in the Cascadia Corridor, Puget Sound and in the U.S.-Canadian cross-border realm. We’ve recently added to that mix through a major program to promote U.S. efforts to reduce reliance on foreign oil, including the earliest possible development and integration of flex-fuel, plug-in, hybrid-electric vehicles.