Discovery Institute | Public policy think tank advancing a culture of purpose, creativity, and innovation.

Top view closeup of unrecognizable kid hiding phone in school and cheating during class

Finally Something the Politicians Agree On: Phone-Free Schools

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California is making a call on schools to restrict phones in schools, putting him in a rare place of agreement with colleagues like Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee, his opposite in almost every respect. Read More ›
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Adverse Childhood Experiences: The ACEs You Don’t Want to be Dealt

ACEs ("adverse childhood experiences") go wild: ACEs such as suffering abuse or neglect, witnessing violence in the home or community, or having a family member attempt or die by suicide, undermine senses of safety and stability. Many U.S. adults experience at least one type of ACE. Most homeless adults hold in their hands at least four ACEs. Read More ›
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The ‘Gender-Industrial Complex’ Makes Billions Annually

I used to think that the great push to prescribe children puberty blockers and hormones and subject teenagers to surgeries, and the explosion in adult medical “transition” procedures, was primarily about promoting a radical ideology. But, as a new report produced recently by the American Principles Project reveals, it is also about making a lot of money. Read More ›
Man with astronomy  telescope looking at the stars.

A Universe Charged with Meaning and Purpose

In 1936, Albert Einstein wrote that "the fact that [the world] is comprehensible is a miracle." But why is the universe comprehensible to us? And is it an evolutionary fluke or a hallmark of design? On this episode of ID The Future, we’re sharing a recent conversation between Dr. Jonathan Witt and author and teacher Dr. Ken Boa. The topic is Dr. Witt's book A Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature. In this discussion, Dr. Witt and Dr. Boa discuss the meaning and purpose inherent in our comprehensible universe, with examples from mathematics, literature, architecture, and more. Read More ›

George Gilder Discusses ‘The Israel Test’ at FreedomFest

Venture capitalist and futurist George Gilder, author of “The Israel Test,” argued that antagonism towards Israel is based in part on resentment over Israel’s economic and technological accomplishments and moral leadership in the world. This interview was conducted at FreedomFest, an annual libertarian conference held in 2024 in Las Vegas. Read More ›
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The Imploding of an Atheist Professor’s Worldview

For 25 years, Dr. John D. Wise considered Darwinian evolution the most plausible explanation for life's origin and development. But as he studied the latest evidence in molecular biology, genetics, astronomy, and other fields, he began to realize that modern science was confirming many of the predictions and arguments of intelligent design. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid talks with professor and author Dr. John D. Wise about his surprising journey from atheism to Christianity. Read More ›
Israel high tech
High tech. Made in Israel

‘The Israel Test’: Making the Case for Judaism’s ‘Culture of Mind’ — Review

In this post-Oct. 7 reshaped edition of his classic book The Israel Test, George Gilder’s central thesis is confirmed and strengthened. He firmly believes that the Jewish people nurture within themselves an intellect that is both a gift and a goad for the rest of the world. Read More ›