Keri D. Ingraham

Senior Fellow and Director, American Center for Transforming Education


School Choice Hypocrisy: Good for My Children, but Not Yours

There are five major categories of people working to block school choice for others despite taking advantage of it themselves. The most hypocritical — those who send their own children to private schools as their wealth allows but don’t want others to have that opportunity.

How Texas Is Becoming the Frontlines for Parents-First School Choice

Parents Are Essential in Their Children's Education
For far too long, K-12 public schools have been viewed as the only experts when it comes to educating children. Parents’ fundamental responsibility to serve as the primary educators of their children has been outsourced to these government institutes, where the vast majority of children remain trapped.

School Choice Is Better for Democracy Than Government Schooling

As state after state embraces policies that empower parents with more options in K-12 education, opponents of school choice are claiming that it is a “threat to democracy.” But if anything, school choice is better for democracy than government-run schooling.

College-Simulated Learning for K-12

Recent polling suggests that nearly half of parents would prefer a hybrid approach for their child’s education, combining on-campus and at-home learning days each week. A promising model of hybrid education exists by the name of college-simulated learning.

Educational Freedom

As of two years ago, statewide school choice wasn't a reality. Today, 10 states have signed universal or near-universal school choice into law.

Policy Focus: Education Savings Accounts

A few years ago, the hope of providing all families within a state with funding to select the education avenues that would best serve their individual children was considered nearly unimaginable.

‘Public’ Schools That Aren’t Public

Teachers unions and education bureaucrats hail public schools for being open to all children while condemning private schools for limiting access. But most “public” schools aren’t public at all.

Families Want Educational Freedom

Families with children in public schools are restricted to a specifically assigned school based on home address — even if another public school is a better fit. Removing that artificial barrier in order that there are “no more lines” in public education should be a priority.

Teachers Unions Pretend to Promote Freedom

With the hashtag “#TeachTruth,” the National Education Association demanded the “freedom to teach” and the “freedom to learn” at their annual Representative Assembly earlier this month. It is laughable that the representatives and leaders of the world’s largest teachers union are masquerading as champions of freedom.

Bring School Choice to the Public System

Despite this tremendous progress in empowering a growing number of parents with the freedom to move their children outside of the public education system, expanding options within public education often remains extremely limited.

Timing Is Everything

My Talk With Tucker After His Last Show on Fox News
In our work at the American Center for Transforming Education we are committed to, calmy and without embarrassment, speaking the truth because we know there is hope.