Gov. Brad Little (R) came through for the families of Idaho last Thursday morning by signing House Bill 93, the Parental Choice Tax Credit bill, into law shortly before the 11:46 a.m. deadline. Idaho now has a school choice program for the first time in the state’s history.
We live in an increasingly secular age in which religious believers — particularly Christians — are accused of believing in myths, meaning false stories. But are religious myths really false? Moreover, do modernists have their own myths by which they live? And why do humans create myths and what societal purposes do they serve, anyway? The classical educator and Orthodox Christian David V. Hicks has thought deeply about these questions, which he explores in a fascinating new book: The Stones Cry Out: Reflections on the Myths We Live By. In the known universe, only man quests for both “meaning” and “truth.” Hicks notes that myths are our primary means of pursuing these dual human exceptionalist pursuits. The myths about which he writes are not just religious …
On today’s ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin continues to unravel the myths surrounding human origins, one thread of evidence at a time, in the second half of a conversation with host Eric Anderson. Luskin rebuts the popular claim that the human and chimp genomes are 98-99% similar and therefore surely resulted from Darwinian common descent. He cites an article in the journal Science which describes the 98-99% claim as a myth. The original figure was derived from a single protein-to-protein comparison, but once you compare the entire genomes, and use more rigorous methods, the similarity drops several percentage points, and on one account, down into the mid-80s. Additionally, the chimp genomes used in the original comparison studies borrowed the human genome for scaffolding, …
On this episode of Mind Matters News, host Dr. Michael Egnor speaks with Dr. Angus Menuge to discuss the mind-brain problem and his work on the recent volume exploring this topic, Minding the Brain. Egnor and Menuge explore various perspectives on the relationship between the mental and the physical. They cover the problems with materialist and physicalist views, which seek to reduce the mind to the brain, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of dualist approaches such as Cartesian and Thomistic dualism. The discussion also touches on the insights from near-death experiences, the binding problem, and the importance of conceptual clarity in studying the mind. The conversation highlights the need for an open-minded exploration of alternative models that can better account for the full …
Join us for a special event commemorating the life and enduring impact of Jonathan Wells, a pioneering scholar in the field of intelligent design. Up until his recent passing in September, Dr. Wells made significant contributions to science and culture through his groundbreaking research, provocative writings, and deep commitment to intellectual inquiry.
Great Northern University at Fourth Memorial Church
Spokane, WA
Intelligent Design
Discovery Institute is pleased to announce that our annual Intelligent Design Education Day is returning to Spokane, Washington with thanks to our hosts at Great Northern University. This year’s theme — Creepy Crawly Complexity — will explore the incredible world of “creepy crawlies.”